Are you 18 years old and a citizen of the European Union? Get ready to explore Europe! DiscoverEU is proud to be part of the European Year of Rail 2021.

What is DiscoverEU?
DiscoverEU is an initiative of the European Union that gives you the opportunity to discover Europe through learning experiences. Travelling predominantly by rail (there are exceptions to allow those living on islands or in remote areas), you will discover Europe’s stunning landscapes and its variety of cities and towns. You can apply during the two application rounds which take place each year. Successful applicants are awarded with a travel pass.
As an 18-year-old citizen of the European Union, DiscoverEU offers you the opportunity to participate in a travel experience that will enable you to take advantage of the freedom of movement throughout the European Union, explore the diversity of Europe, learn about European cultural heritage and history, and connect with people from all over the continent. Furthermore, DiscoverEU enables you, as a young person, to develop life skills of value to your future, such as independence, confidence, and openness to other cultures.
Exceptionally for this round, those young people, who were eligible under the two rounds in 2020, which were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, can apply too.
/!\ Another exception for this round: UK nationals are still allowed to participate in this round of DiscoverEU. For more details, check our FAQ A.12.
When is the next round?
Almost 70 000 young people have been awarded a travel pass since the first application round in June 2018. Another round will take place between Tuesday 12 October 2021 at 12:00 (CEST) and Tuesday 26 October 2021 at 12:00 (CEST). An ‘Apply Now’ button will appear on this page on D-Day!
To be eligible, you need to:
- Have been born between 1 July 2001 (included) and 31 December 2003 (included);
- Have the nationality of one of the Member States of the European Union at the time of the award decision;
- Complete the correct ID or passport number on the online application form.
Then you will need to participate in a quiz (unless you apply as a group member).
If you are selected, you can travel for a period of minimum 1 day and up to 30 days between 1 March 2022 and 28 February 2023.
Note that if you have a disability or a health problem that makes your trip challenging, you will receive assistance and support to help you take part in DiscoverEU. Check our FAQ C.13 to know more.
Can I travel with my friends?
Yes you can! It really is up to you. You can go solo or add up to 4 friends in your group provided they meet the eligibility conditions above. They will use your application code to submit their own application. Check out our FAQs B.5 to B.11 to know more.
You can also organise meet-ups and combine travel plans with other DiscoverEU travellers! The DiscoverEU Facebook Group is a good platform to do this. Join the Group now to chat with other participants.