Newsletter #7 – Final seminar

The newsletter about the fifth transnational seminar is now online!
The fifth transnational seminar of the Y.civic project took place in Cluj-Napoca on 29-30 September 2022. It focused on “civil rights promotion and media”. Discover the video and the testimonies of Hanna, Raluca, Elin and Rayane!
Thank you all for your involvement!
Video production :
Catalin Mizileanu –
Instagram :
The 14th of October marked the end of Y.civic. Eighty-seven of you participated in the final seminar of the project. Thank you very much for your participation. The conclusions/recommendations will be available soon.
29 and 30 september 2022: the fifth and last transnational seminar about civil rights promotion and media. See all pictures of the day below:
Y.civic is almost over. After 6 seminars, 5 of which on specific thematic, we are now at the 7th and last seminar. All this in 1 year !
Our seminars were attended by 600 people We couldn’t have wished for more! You were involved, motivated and determined
You attended the debates, workshops, preparatory activities and post-seminar Actions. You have travelled, discovered new cultures, contributed to what unites us all: Europe
This project is yours!
This is why we have the great pleasure to invite you to the Y.civic Final Seminar which will take place on 14 October 2022 in Brussels. Join us from 9am to 1pm to conclude this wonderful project together. Let’s not miss the opportunity to see each other one last time!
Meet at the Maison des Associations Internationales, Rue Washington, 40B in 1050 Brussels, Belgium.
Registration required via this link:
Citizens Campus tell us about their seminar that took place in Marseille. Check out the newsletter now!
Citizens campus organised the fourth thematic transnational seminar of the Y.civic project in Marseille on the theme of “Civic engagement”.
🔎 Citizen challenges with committed actors throughout Marseille, playful animations around Europe, collective intelligence workshops to answer European challenges, without forgetting convivial times with music and dance!
We would like to thank the witnesses – Marco, Justine and Paul -, all the participants and volunteers mobilized for this seminar as well as the twenty or so actors who agreed to participate: Le pied de Mouton, Les TĂŞtes de l’art, Eurocircle, Pro BonoLab, La Cloche, EmmaĂĽs Connect, GĂ©nĂ©ration Politique, A votĂ©, Marseille Capitale de la Mer, 1 dĂ©chet par Jour, Maison Ă vivre Les Jardins d’HaĂŻti, Maison de retraite le Bon pasteur, Agence du service civique, Mars Connexion, Lutherie et activitĂ©s artistiques, Alain Girard, APELS, CIVIS, La Ruche Marseille, Rugby Club Marseillais, Delta France Association, Lab’on-ID, Mission locale du Pays de Grasse
Video production : Laboratoire d’expression de la Mission Locale de Grasse et Lab’on-ID.
Next transnational seminar soon! This time we will meet you in Cluj-Napoca. It’s our last thematic seminar and it will discuss the “Civil rights promotion and media”. This project, co-funded by the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union, will bring together young Europeans from Belgium, France, Italy, Poland and Romania.