After almost ten years of existence, the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is having particularly meagre results. FOR SOLIDARITY-PLS offers you an analysis of this tool of participatory democracy with a practical case, End the Cage Age, a new ICE initiated to improve animal welfare. A Note to discover here.

Participatory democracy: issues and perspectives
Participatory democracy is now a key issue in the cohesion policy developed by the EU. Effective link between citizens and rulers or style figure with no real reach? From the 1970s citizens’ juries initiated in Germany to the Citizens’ Climate Convention launched in 2019 in France, PLS takes stock of citizen participation in Europe. Learn more
Democratic deficit: a challenge for Europe!
Has the EU taken advantage of the last European elections to regain the trust of citizens? This Analysis Note looks at the root causes of the European democratic deficit and provides some answers to address them. Learn more