Associazione cuore che vede

The Association “Cuore che vede” is a non-profit organization funded in 2008, and it is located in Palermo. The association aims to promote social, cultural and educational development of people of all ages, through the implementation of targeted activities. It works in the field of adult and young education since the 2008 collaborating with a network of institutions, schools, social services and other associations of Palermo and Italy.

The Association “Cuore che vede” aims to build “the culture of love” by promoting voluntary work to help disadvantaged people. We promote the Bank of time initiatives, especially among young people, for the promotion, respect and full affirmation of social, political and human rights of not guaranteed and/or marginalized people.


  • Promoting a culture of solidarity and shared responsability in the community;
  • Promoting social inclusion and equal opportunities for people at risk of social exclusion;
  • Qualifying the activities of volunteering and social work with the continuous lifelong learning of people;
  • Collaborating and working closely with the public institutions to take care of social needs.


In our daily work we try to promote active citizenship and the legality of young people at risk of social exclusion and marginalization. Our youth center is located in Brancaccio, an area that unfortunatelly is full of NEETs young peeple, so we think that this project can impact positively on them both in terms of improvement of competences and opportunities.





Afev is a national association recognized of general interest since 1991. It mobilizes thousands of students every year to support young people with academic difficulties and create links within working-class neighborhoods. By fighting against educational and social inequalities, they act for a more just and supportive society through 3 programs: student mentoring, volunteering in Civic Service dedicated to educational actions and colocations to solidarity projects (KAPS). Present in 350 neighborhoods, organizing more than one million hours of solidarity commitment per year, Afev has become the first network of student intervention in working-class neighborhoods.

At the same time, the solidarity engagement platforms, located in partner universities, promote the solidarity commitment of students and the link between university, students and territory.

Afev complements its field action with advocacy work by conducting awareness campaigns among the general public: Day of Refusal of School Failure, Observatory of Youth Engagement, Observatory of The Social Responsibility of Universities, Lab’Afev, ZEP Blog

Afev in figures:

> Afev is the first network of intervention of solidarity students in the neighborhoods. With Afev, 8,000 young people get involved every year.

> Nearly 80% of mentoring missions are conducted at home, in close collaboration with families.

> Afev operates in 350 neighbourhoods, in partnership with 900 schools.

> 260 local authorities are involved in Afev’s solidarity project.

> Afev is present in 150 higher education institutions.

> More than 70,000 people affected by our actions in 2017-2018.

> 200 employees in 50 divisions.






Citizens Campus

Citizens Campus 

  • is a french NGO, based in Marseille and promoting responsible citizens at every level : local, national and global,
  • gathers a community of intergenerational people with differents backgrounds and professions. It aims to educate and raise active and responsible citizens.
  • is developping series of actions, training, and citizenship activities for the service of the common good.

Citizens Campus is one of those at the origin of Y-CIVIC. The idea is born after a meeting in Brussels between UNESA /CEC and Citizens Campus. On the one hand, UNESSA and CEC wanted a kind of follow up of EU COOL. On the other, Citizens Campus wanted to test its first ideas with European partners dealing with young people with less opportunities (or disadvantaged). So we decide to explore the possibilities of a common project and we found that Europe for citizen’s call for projects was very interesting in that regard. With UNESSA and CEC we decided to apply, and, ones the application accepted, we, naturally, became Y CIVIC partners.

2021 has been a hard time for everyone especially for young people. We all have experienced projects restraint and shifted short or long-term goals. Youth is currently deprived of a large part of its social life, its ambitions and projects, but also of its dreams. A significant part of young people are feeling a great distress today. In spite of this situation full of obstacles and characterized by a lack of means, the pandemic has permitted citizen commitment and the birth of solidarity projects led by and aiming at young people: ideas and solutions are spreading locally throughout Europe to try to remedy this situation. It is the reason why the Citizens Campus Team decided to lead The Vénères&Solidaires project (Being Angry&Standing in Solidarity) ,  which aims to aggregate these ideas and make them accessible to those most affected by the crisis, based on what they lived and experienced during the crisis.

Facing a disembodied Europe and an isolated European youth, this project aims to improve the conditions of civic and democratic participation of this generation going through a difficult time by giving them a voice and encouraging them to create a collective dynamic. Conceived and carried out within the Citizens Campus team by young “Civic service volunteers”, the Vénères&Solidaires project aims at creating a physical and digital movement based on participatory democracy, led by and designed for young people. The project is based on different subjects such as young people’s reality in times of crisis and emergence of solidarity whether it’s on the territorial, national, or European field . The project wants to seize on these digital platforms of communication, which will continue even if the sanitary situation improves, and will in the future constitute strong places of expression of the youth whether it is in terms of entertainment, education, expression and debates.

The main objective of the project Vénères&Solidaires is therefore to create a digital communication platform led by young people and aiming at young people which will allow them to express their experiences during the covid crisis. Those testimonies will be shared, combined and used in order to find existing solutions and putting in place innovative ones. 

The Vénères&solidaires project arise from the territory of the Marseille metropolis and proposes to young people coming from all social groups and path of life, starting with the least privileged:

– to start from their hindered reality, to express and exchange on what they live today during the crisis 

– but also to share or propose to initiate solidarity projects responding to the problems that concern them the most.





Bleu Blanc Zebre

Bleu Blanc Zèbre is an association created in 2014 that places inter-actors (associations, companies, public actors and citizens) cooperation at the heart of its action to resolve social and environmental divides.
Today Bleu Blanc Zèbre is:

  1. A label that identifies and promotes concrete, impactful and replicable initiatives, all accross France (450 today),
  2. A community of committed actors who help each other to bring the common good to life on every types of territories.

Concrete projects to mobilize collectives of actors ready to work together in a spirit of trust!
Bleu Blanc Zèbre participates in Y-CIVIC to allow young people accompanied by our member structures to express themselves and make proposals at the highest level.

We are convinced that the European challenges and the major themes addressed by Y-Civic in its seminar program will have an impact on French institutions and the partners with whom we work.

Europe for citizens program

The European Union is made by and for its citizens! It is particularly important to encourage greater citizen participation in the European Union and to generate greater interest in what it represents. To this end, they should be more involved in the present action of the European Union while ensuring that they deepen their understanding of the history of the Union and its origins, which date back to the aftermath of two world wars.

The 2009 Treaty on the European Union (the Lisbon Treaty), which came into force on 1 December 2009, has made a number of changes to bring the Union closer to its citizens and to foster a wider cross-border debate on EU policy issues. Article 11 of this treaty introduced a completely new dimension: participatory democracy.

Europe has an ambitious agenda for the coming years, which addresses key challenges. Decisions and actions must be taken in areas such as economic growth, security and Europe’s role in the world. It is therefore more important than ever for citizens to participate in debates and contribute to policy-making. Considering European citizenship as an important element in strengthening and guaranteeing the process of European integration, the European Commission continues to encourage the engagement of European citizens in all aspects of the life of their community, thus enabling them to participate in the construction of an ever closer Europe.

In this context, the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme (‘the ‘programme’) adopted for 2014-2020 is an important instrument aimed at encouraging Europe’s 500 million inhabitants to play a greater role in the development of the Union. By funding projects and activities in which citizens can participate, the programme aims to promote the common history and values of Europeans and to foster a sense of adherence to evolution of the Union.


As part of the overall objective of bringing the Union closer to its citizens, the programme pursues the following general objectives:

  • contribute to a better understanding of the Union, its history and diversity;
  • promote European citizenship and improve the conditions for civic and democratic participation at EU level.
Europe for citizens